Test instructions
Test instructions may differ depending on the different federal states and are subject to corresponding amendments.
- PrüfVO/VkVO:
- Technical inspection regulations (Technische Prüfverordnung NRW) - (PrüfVO NRW)
- Ordinance relating to the construction and operation of stores (Verkaufsstättenverordnung) (VkVO)
Stores exceeding 2.000 sqm. Inspection is prescribed by the board of works.
Ministerially approved testers only.
- KhBauVO:
- Building code for hospitals (Krankenhausbauverordnung)
- SchulBauR:
- Specifications of the site supervision regarding the building of schools (Schulbaurichtlinien)
- VdS:
- Association of Property Insurers (Verband der Sachversicherer)
In accordance with the specifications of the insurers.
- Radiation control regulations (Röntgenverordnung)
Repeat test every 5 years or in case of modifications, change of operator, etc.
Supervised by the Agency for Occupational Health and Safety.
Inspections are carried out in doctor’s offices, hospitals, schools and in all places with X-ray equipment.